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Gnarpsån is a small River, Which flows from Milsbrodammen and further down to Sörfjärden where it flows out into the sea, a distance of about 6 km. It is a typical forest stream with vegetation down to the edge. Much stones in the river, creating small rapids and speeds up the water. Gnarps stream has become talked about for its large sea trout taken here each year. It's a great character on stream with varying conditions that create opportunities for all anglers.

Gnarpsån, the spring flood.
Gnarpsån, the spring flood.


Downstream Milsbrodammen is also an excellent sea trout fishing on spring and autumn. Sea trout on the weights around 7-8 kg were assessed and rod caught about 100 sea trout per season. Continuous release of sea trout smolts and proper fish conservation project creates a stable future fishing. Completed electrofishing surveys during 2002 and 2004 show that Gnarps stream have good fish and is a important spawning area for trout. The presence of salmon kids both survey years also shows that single salmon going up in water feature to reproduce. Based on observed fish species and densities allows signed Stefan Thorfve Fish Biologist Gnarpsån River judges that constitutes one of the more valuable watercourses in Gävleborg County.

More about fishing

Text from Fish Conservation Project in 2003. Fisheries conservation work, expected results: Since we have restored Gnarps stream in its original condition, it has been the fleet headed gutted. Boulder, the put back, deep hollows has been dug, migration barriers have been removed. Think and we hope that the reproduction of sea trout and salmon will increase in the stream and thereby raise the status of the watercourse. Electric fishing have been performed before and after measures. There is little difference, we have not marked and we had not reckoned with yet. It takes some years before it shows we believe. Further electrofishing be made.


  • :: Where in the country

    Here in Gnarp runs Gnarps stream
    Here in Gnarp runs Gnarps stream

  • :: Links

    website fish in Gnarp

  • :: Season

    No fishing in Gnarpsån River downstream Mils Bridge, September 1 to October 31.

  • :: License

    Fishing license downstream Mils bridge costs 500 SEK / year and 80 SEK / day. Young people up to 15 years fish for free. Fishing licenses to buy at, Berggårdens Gästgiveri. phone 0652/20 287, there are also rooms for rent. Statoil Gnarp phone 0652-20550 OKQ8 phone 0652-20520