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Byske river is Västerbotten hottest salmon and sea trout river. Here it is captured between 300-500 salmon per year with an average weight around 5 kg. Byske river is not only a good salmon river, it is also a very beautiful river with its large vertical drop has lots of nice rapids alternated with quieter sections. As the river flows through a deep and narrow river valleys and also is very sparsely populated, give it a really wild look.

The entire Byske river and parts of tributaries are available for sport fishing. It is relatively easy to access when navigating narrow roads on both sides.

Erik Lundberg Arvidsjaur with Byske salmon.
Erik Lundberg Arvidsjaur with Byske salmon.


Michael with Byske female salmon taken in early August on a small heron tube. During sea trout fishing on Ivan's neck harness. Byske salmon are exposed.
Michael with Byske female salmon taken in early August on a small heron tube. During sea trout fishing on Ivan's neck harness. Byske salmon are exposed.

Fishing in Byskeälv starts after the ice breaks up in mid-May when the first salmon are starting to rise. However, it is not until June that the big salmon ladder to get started, with a peak around mid June. Early in the season when there is high water, it is on the lower legs that fishing is best. When the fish large colorful works good, kind orange, red and il-green. When the water after the ice begins to recede, fish is good further upstream and one can with good success to start using smaller lures and fly fishing with floating line.

More about fishing

Byske River Fishing conservation association, Ulf Andersson Home tel 0912-10711 Mobile 073-0448061

Andreas Andersson with a fine Byske trout. 7.65kg weight 2001
Andreas Andersson with a fine Byske trout. 7.65kg weight 2001


  • :: Where in the country

    Here, just north of Skellefteå runs Byske river.
    Here, just north of Skellefteå runs Byske river.

  • :: Links

    Byske FVO -Byske fishing care area

  • :: Season

    Salmon fishing at August 31, August 1, you are only allowed to take up salmon with dimensions of 50-63 centimeters. Catch Limit on maximum one salmon per day and fishermen. Minimum size 50 inches. Fishing is, in Byske in June between the hours of 6:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. closed to all fishing is prohibited between the blue iron bridge (the bridge into the community) and the suspension bridge made ​​of wood. Förbudstid: 15/9 - 14/10.

  • :: License

    Finns att köpa på bensinstationer, kiosker och campingplatser runt Byske. Dygnskort 120 kr. Veckokort 500 kr. Årskort 1200 kr

  • :: Spieces

    Salmon, trout and grayling