Harmångers stream located in northern Hälsingland and has its source from the Storsjön, which in turn has tributaries from several lake systems in the region. The river runs from Nordanå down to Harmånger to kyrksjön and then go through to sörsjön and Norrsjön from there it flows freely then further out to sea at Strömsbruk.
The great trout fishing in Harmångers stream is below the protection zone at Hammer Bridge in Strömsbruk. The river is easily accessible and keeps a good stock of trout. Fishing begins as a rule of Easter and continues until midsummer. The river is nice and keeps the fine stream sections for spin and fly fishing. The distance is short, about 1 km. It is permitted only with spinning and fly fishing, all types of bait is prohibited.
More about fishing
Harmångers fishing area is large and it has many streams and lakes to fish in. In addition to trout fishing in Strömsbruk, you can also fish for trout and grayling in the the upper Harmångers streams There is also access to the put and take fishery for brown trout, rainbow trout in lakes.
To the upper Harmångers stream and other streams and lakes in Harmångers fishing area, there Harmångers fishing license's Day SEK 50 weeks 100kr season license SEK 150.
Own local website for Hamrånge fishing
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Sea trout fishing in Strömsbruk, fishing, license, day 70 SEK, children under age 15 accompanied by parent or guardian 35skr season license 700 SEK. Harmånger: Host's house tel 0652-301 30th Strömsbruk Coastal Trail Tour Harmångervägen 2 Strömsbruk tel 0650-74 00 30 Ake Eriksson Bergstigen 24 Stocka tel 0650-74 12 06 070-640 21 09
Sea Trout, Brown Trout, Grayling, etc..