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Numedalslågen has its source from Lake Tunhovdfjorden in Buskerud county, and runs through Numedalen and further into the county Västfold where it empties into the Oslo Fjord in Larvik. With annual salmon catches of 10-30 tonnes belong Numedalslågen one of Norway's best salmon rivers.

The river is large, with a water flow of 100 m3 / s, the river alternates between calm and deep stretches to narrow and swift rapids necks.

photo Sölver Sjulstad
photo Sölver Sjulstad


Bjarnulf Helgeland with salmon. Image Sjulstad solver.
Bjarnulf Helgeland with salmon. Image Sjulstad solver.

Early in the season, the salmon to the lower sections, Holmsfoss, Kvelde, Melo fishing, Brathugen and Hedron, which caught most by boat. But there are certain places that are suitable for spinning and fly fishing. But the hot and most attractive fishing is on the river's upper mil, this fishery is managed by Brufossfisket and home Elvlag, together, they created one of Norway's most well-organized salmon fishing, here are caught each year around a thousand salmon.

At the brufoss, is the river narrow and combative, and with some small islands and rapids necks, it creates perfect conditions for fly fishing, especially stretches No. 5 Borreholen No. 12 Verkenshölen and No. 24 Piddestadöya. At the Brufoss camp has a temperature raiser for the fishermen by a set so-called salmon clock strikes a blow for every kg of salmon which weighed in, with pockets of catch reports and a daily summary of water flow. Best water discharge is 80-100 cc. Average weight of salmon is about 4.6 kg. Catch Limit is introduced. maximum of two salmon per day and 7 off per season.

More about fishing

Over the Kjaerkafossen, the salmon are often not before midsummer, because of the salmon have a hard time getting over the falls at the high water. Information Flow and water temperature and Fisheries, Tel + 47 33 12 99 21

There is also a pair of side streams Svartåa, and Skorgeelva and Hagneselva.

Wojtech Sargalski, with salmon taken at Brufoss fishing.
Wojtech Sargalski, with salmon taken at Brufoss fishing.


  • :: Where in the country

    Here is Numedalslågen.
    Here is Numedalslågen.

  • :: Links

    Brufoss fiskets egna webbsida.

  • :: Season

    June 1 to August 31

  • :: License

    Brufoss fishing. about 280 NOK days.

  • :: Spieces

    Salmon and sea trout,