presentation of fish waters

Welcome to presentation of fish waters in northern Europe. p>Here we have collected about 150 fisheries in which we attempt to describe all water features and character overview. A map showing where in the country as a fishing area is located, what species are, where to buy fishing licenses. We describe the water in general, and describes the fisheries, which hopefully is good and so on. p>
Below are the rivers that you use the most, this is what we call ''s hottest water' In addition to these you will find over 100 other waters in the menu out to left.
- 1. Mörrumsån - Blekinge
- 2. Älvkarleby - Uppland
- 3. Stockholms ström - Uppland
- 4. Gaula - Tröndelag
- 5. Orkla - Tröndelag
- 6. Torne älv - Norrbotten
- 7. Drammenselva - Osloområdet
- 8. Kalix älv - Norrbotten
- 9. Lainio älv - Norrbotten
- 10. Stordalselva - Möre og Romsdal
- 11. Stjördalselva - Tröndelag
- 12. Norrtäljeån - Uppland
- 13. Vestre jakobselva - Finnmark
- 14. Namsen - Tröndelag
- 15. Alta - Finnmark
- 16. Gävleån - Gästrikland
- 17. Vefsna - Nordland/Troms
- 18. Viskan - Halland
- 19. Tana - Finnmark
- 20. Målselva - Nordland/Troms
More info
Where there is information on accommodations near fishing waters are the information under a separate link 'accommodation', just as if there are special stages / camps are those on a separate link. The same goes for fishing guides, all assembled under their respective waters. In addition, a photo-gallery will be on the river if you as a user enters enough photos for a specific fishing grounds. If there are no pictures of a water, so we are on the salmon grateful if you could help us by sending in pictures. Usually it's the images you get stuck on when you're looking a new fishing grounds.